Suzi's Stamps & Stuff

Stamp collecting and philatelic fun!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Interesting cancel in my Machin mix

I was looking through one of my huge boxes of on-paper Machins /Christmas stuff, and I found an interesting and really cute cancel. Actually, it is only PART of a cancel, and I am wondering if anyone can tell me what the remainder of the cancellation was. It appears to be a slogan, but the only part that I have is the adorable little castle or gatehouse graphic that is nicely struck on a 16p Machin.
If you can tell me what the whole cancellation says, I will send you some of my Machin mixture, say around 1/4 lb. And I'll take it from the boxes that are upstairs which I haven't picked through at all yet.

This is not a new mix for the most part, and therefore not a new cancel. It could go back as far as the 1980s sometime, as some of the date stamps in that mix are from that period. Many are also from the 1990s.

Does anyone else here collect cancellations? There are some interesting ones in that mixture, especially if you are looking for slogans. Do you have a funny or interesting cancellation that you'd like to share? Or a puzzling one? Send a picture and I'll post it in a future article.



  • At 9:38 AM, Blogger suzi said…

    Thanks, Michael! I wonder what the rest of the slogan was?
    It seems as if the Royal Post has many, many advertising slogans lately on their cancellations. I'd love to find more information on these. I'll have to research further when my eye is feeling up to it. :)


  • At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Suzi,

    My guess would be that it is a Xmas cancellation. It does not really look like the Tower of London. The star and moon above the tower, I would associate with Xmas.

  • At 4:19 PM, Blogger The Resistance said…


    Did you ever find out about the cancellation?

    I have discovered Machins last month. I got a copy of MH23 (Scott catalogue) from an inexpensive mixture from South Korea.

    I only paid $0.0129 cents, or less than 2 U.S. cents for the Machin stamp.

    I am waiting for my first two mixtures from eBay.


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